All White Roses


So pure and so elegant, our white rose bouquet is the perfect elegant alternative to a red rose bouquet. Using large headed Playa Blanca or Mondial Roses. White rose’s with the grey/blue of eucalyptus in the Autumn/Winter months or the rich green or ruscus in the summer months is just stunning. Available with 12, 24, 50 and 100 stems.

White and green flowers are simple and pure in their colour tone so suit any colour scheme within the home. Neutral bouquets are perfect for when wanting to say thank you, or with sympathy, but they also represent new beginnings and young love which is why they are a firm bridal favourite and perfect for Diamond Wedding anniversary’s.

This bouquet is available in 4 different sizes, standard, large, deluxe and signature deluxe. Prices start from £80. Please note the photograph illustrates 12 white rose’s complimented with eucalyptus.


Throughout the seasons certain white roses and foliage become unavailable. We try to use the most stunning white Playa Blanca Rose’s with incredible large heads. Our team of expert florists will use their knowledge and skills to substitute the white rose for a white rose of the same or higher monetary value.

Should you have any specific requirements regarding flower content, delivery or price then please call our team on 01937 585233.