The York


Blue and whites tones are so elegant. They add a regal touch to any home and are the perfect alternative to a neutral bouquet. The York Bouquet is our signature bouquet, created using the most bombastic hydrangea heads. For the York Bouquet we use one of two hydrangea’s; Hydrangea Pimpernell (royal blue) or as pictured Hydrangea Beau Dali (available June-August only).

I always imagine blue and white flowers in history as they are so eloquent which is why this bouquet is called The York Bouquet. The capital of our wonderful county Yorkshire.

Complimented with white undertones and foliage to soften the blues, this fabulous bouquet is certainly one to order if you are wanting something big and just….Wow!

This bouquet is available in 4 different sizes, standard, large, deluxe and signature deluxe. Prices start from £80.



Throughout the seasons certain flowers become unavailable. We try to create your bouquet as pictured, but hydrangea’s and Delphinium’s are seasonal and occasionally we will use alternative flowers but of equal quality and longevity. Hydrangea’s of this quality are not available in Jan-March.

Should you have any specific requirements regarding flower content, delivery or price then please call our team on 01937 585233.