All Red Roses


Does any other floral collaboration ever beat 12, 24 or even 100, stunning, velvet soft Red Roses with dark green foliage when it comes to romance and love?

But red roses also represent admiration, courage and respect. Which is why this stunning bouquet is available all year round.

Complimented with a mixture of gorgeous dark green foliage and flowers such as Grevillea, ruscus, pittosporum, earthy fragranced pistache, eucalyptus parvi, green spray chrysanthemum or green hypericum berries to really show off these stunning roses.

This bouquet is available in 4 different sizes, standard (12 Red Roses), large (24 Red Roses), deluxe (50 Red Roses) and signature deluxe (100 Red Roses). Prices start from £80. Please note the photograph illustrates 12 red roses.

SKU: Red Velvet Categories: ,

Throughout the seasons certain red roses and foliage become unavailable. We try to use Explorer Red Roses. Our team of expert florists will use their knowledge and skills to substitute the red rose for a rose of the same or higher monetary value.

Should you have any specific requirements regarding flower content, delivery or price then please call our team on 01937 585233.